Return/Exchange Policy |
We want you to be happy with the purchases you make. If you're not satisfied, you may return or exchange the following within 30 days of the shipment's receipt:
Toys that are simply unwanted, but have been handled and played with cannot be returned at this time. We ask you check over your items carefully before opening them. If you find there is something you would like to return, please don't open it, and set it aside. If you are not able to get to the store to make the return, please contact us and let us know of the problem. BEFORE PURCHASE: Please reach out to us here if you have any questions before you make a purchase. We want to help you find the right toy for the right person. We also recommend checking with the child or their parents, using the "share" button on any items you're thinking of. Or encourage them to make a Wish List - that way you know you are getting them what they want and need. AFTER SUBMITTING PURCHASE: We do not guarantee that we can cancel or modify your order after you submit it, but if you contact us quickly enough, we may be able to help you out. For fastest results, call us by phone during business hours. AFTER PACKAGE ARRIVES: Carefuly inspect the package and its contents to see that it matches your order and your packing slip. Please save your packing slip. It serves as your receipt if you need to return or exchange an item. Please keep in mind that on occasion, damage may occur to boxes and packaging while en route from our store to your house. This is accidental and is usually limited to just the box or item packaging itself; only very rarely is the actual toy damaged during shipping. HOW TO MAKE A RETURN:
Note: unless the return/exchange is due to an error on our part, we can't refund shipping charges. DAMAGED/INCORRECT ITEMS If you received a damaged or incorrect item in your order, we want to fix the problem. Just return the item directly to us, and we'll refund your money (including the original shipping charges). MISSING ITEMS If anything is missing from your order, please contact us and we will work with you to either refund that part of your purchase or replace the missing items. IN-STORE RETURN: You may also return items to our store. Simply bring along the packing slip as your receipt.